We are coding
the future.

Innovative software for smartphones, cars, and smart gadgets.


Our solutions help our customers increase profits and get ahead of the competition.


At eMan, we understand smart devices and technologies. We design and deploy both mobile and web applications as well as complete software solutions. Our products are used by millions of people every day.

Application Development visual

Application Development

We create mobile applications for Android and iOS. We also develop web applications, taking care of both the frontend and backend.

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IT Specialists Outsourcing

We offer local onsite and remote support of our IT specialists located in Europe and North America. We manage all legal aspects related to this employment.

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UX/UI Strategy
and Design

We design stunning solutions which are state of the art in modern development. Our UX/UI designers make sure your user’s experience is flawless.

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Solution Architecture & Requirement Analysis

We understand the needs of our clients and offer tailor-made solutions. Our agile analysis provides added value and reduces risks throughout the project.

Smart car

Škoda OneApp

This is an in-pocket car infotainment based on the connection with your mobile phone. Traffic data is processed directly in it. Drivers see information about their last journey, an overview of the records as well as a log book or car diagnostics right on the dashboard display.

Car in your pocket

Škoda Connect

The application’s core concept is remote communication with the car. Basically, a smart remote control. It indicates if the car is locked or if the lights are on. Drivers can also also check where they have parked, how full the tank is, and can plan their route ahead of time by synchronizing the destinations in the app with the car navigation.

Smart TV


We developed the O2 TV application for the mobile operator Telefónica. Its mission is to bring the complete content of O2 TV digital TV to your smartphone or tablet. In addition, it offers live TV broadcasting, video on demand, remote recording and playback, a video library with a wide range of instant-on motion pictures, a TV program, or support for a Google Chromecast device.

Meal vouchers

by Edenred

The Czech leader in the meal voucher business has instituted a revolutionary transition of meal vouchers from traditional paper forms to electronic cards, thanks to our mobile solution. Restaurants without payment terminals can receive payments via mobile phone or tablet equipped with E-Pay by Edenred. Payment will be secured by simply placing the Ticket Restaurant Card (TRC) on the mobile device. Information transfer takes place via NFC technology.

About us

We are present in Europe as well as in North America. The core of the company consists of skilled professionals with over ten years' experience in development, operations, quality assurance, and servicing information systems, as well as the field of marketing communication. We have our own developers, software architects, testers, business analysts, project managers, designers, UX specialists, and skilled administrators.

quote eMan was founded as a 4 person start-up in 2010, since then we have continued to grow and our team has more than 100 people today.

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Contact us

If you have a project you would like to discuss or are interested in a quote, please do call us or email us using the contact form. We are looking forward to getting in touch!